7.8. Http¶
Http dissector module.
local http = require('protocol/http')
7.8.1. Dissector¶
- dissector HttpDissector¶
Name : 'http' Extend : haka.helper.FlowDissector HTTP protocol dissector supporting the following features:
- HTTP 1.0 and 1.1
- Chunked transfer mode
- Request analysis
- Reponse analysis
- Keep-alive connections
- http.install_tcp_rule(port)¶
Parameters: - port (number) – TCP port number.
Install a rule on TCP to enable HTTP dissection on the given port number.
- http.dissect(flow)¶
Parameters: - flow (haka.helper.FlowDissector) – Upper flow dissector.
Activate HTTP dissection on the given flow.
- <HttpDissector>.flow¶
Flow from which HTTP is built.
- <HttpDissector>:enable_data_modification()¶
Activate data modification for all data received along with the current request or response. This mode allow to modify on the fly any data without having to handle chunk sizes or the content-length header.
- <HttpDissector>:drop()¶
Drop the associated flow.
- <HttpDissector>:reset()¶
Reset the current HTTP connection. The client and the server will be notified with RST tcp packets.
7.8.2. Protocol elements¶
- object http.HttpHeaders¶
Parsed headers information for HTTP.
- <HttpHeaders>[name] → value¶
- <HttpHeaders>[name] = newvalue
Parameters: - name (string) – Header name.
- newvalue (string) – New header value.
Returns: - value (string) – Current header value.
Access and modify any HTTP header.
- pairs(<HttpHeaders>) → key,value¶
Returns: - key (string) – Header key.
- value (string) – Header value.
Return an iterator over all headers.
- object http.HttpRequest¶
Parsed information about a request.
- <HttpRequest>.headers¶
Type: HttpHeaders Headers table.
- object http.HttpResponse¶
Parsed information about a response.
- <HttpRequest>.version
- <HttpRequest>.status¶
- <HttpRequest>.reason¶
Type: string Response line elements.
- <HttpRequest>.headers
Type: HttpHeaders Headers table.
7.8.3. Events¶
- event http.events.request(http, request)¶
Parameters: - http (HttpDissector) – HTTP dissector.
- request (HttpRequest) – HTTP request data.
Event triggered whenever a new HTTP request is received.
- event http.events.response(http, response)¶
Parameters: - http (HttpDissector) – HTTP dissector.
- response (HttpResponse) – HTTP response data.
Event triggered whenever a new HTTP response is received.
- event http.events.receive_data(http, stream, current, direction)¶
Event options:
- streamed
Type: boolean Run the event listener as a streamed function.
Parameters: - http (HttpDissector) – HTTP dissector.
- stream (vbuffer_stream) – TCP data stream.
- current (vbuffer_iterator) – Current position in the stream.
- direction (string) – Data direction ('up' or 'down').
Event triggered when some data are available on either a request or a response.
- event http.events.request_data(http, stream, current)¶
Event options:
- streamed
Type: boolean Run the event listener as a streamed function.
Parameters: - http (HttpDissector) – HTTP dissector.
- stream (vbuffer_stream) – TCP data stream.
- current (vbuffer_iterator) – Current position in the stream.
Event triggered when some data are available on a request.
- event http.events.response_data(http, stream, current)¶
Event options:
- streamed
Type: boolean Run the event listener as a streamed function.
Parameters: - http (HttpDissector) – HTTP dissector.
- stream (vbuffer_stream) – TCP data stream.
- current (vbuffer_iterator) – Current position in the stream.
Event triggered when some data are available on a response.
7.8.4. Utilities¶
- object HttpUriSplit¶
- http.uri.split(uri) → split¶
Parameters: - uri (string) – Uri to split.
Returns: - split (HttpUriSplit) – New split uri representation.
Split uri into subparts.
- <HttpUriSplit>.scheme¶
Type: string Uri scheme.
Type: string Uri authority.
- <HttpUriSplit>.host¶
Type: string Uri host.
- <HttpUriSplit>.userinfo¶
Type: string Uri user information.
- <HttpUriSplit>.user¶
Type: string Uri user (from userinfo).
- <HttpUriSplit>.pass¶
Type: string Uri password (from userinfo).
rfc 3986 states that the format “user:password” in the userinfo field is deprecated.
- <HttpUriSplit>.port¶
Type: string Uri port.
- <HttpUriSplit>.path¶
Type: string Uri path.
- <HttpUriSplit>.query¶
Type: string Uri query.
- <HttpUriSplit>.args¶
Type: table Uri query’s parameters.
- <HttpUriSplit>.fragment¶
Type: string Uri fragment.
- tostring(<HttpUriSplit>) → str¶
Returns: - str (string) – Full uri.
Recreate the uri full string.
- <HttpUriSplit>:normalize()¶
Normalize URI according to rfc 3986: remove dot-segments in path, capitalize letters in escape sequences, decode percent-encoded octets (safe decoding), remove default port, etc.
- http.uri.normalize(uri) → norm_uri¶
Parameters: - uri (string) – Uri.
Returns: - norm_uri (string) – Normalized uri.
Normalize URI according to rfc 3986.
See also
Store the cookies as a table of key-value pairs.
Parameters: - cookies (string) – Cookies line extracted from the HTTP headers.
Returns: - split_cookies (HttpCookiesSplit) – Split cookies.
Parse the cookies and split them.
- tostring(<HttpCookiesSplit>) → str¶
Returns: - str (string) – String containing all cookies.
Return all cookies as a string.
- <HttpCookiesSplit>[key] → value¶
- <HttpCookiesSplit>[key] = newvalue
Parameters: - name (string) – Cookie name.
- newvalue (string) – New cookie value.
Returns: - value (string) – Current cookie value.
Access and modify any cookies in the table.
7.8.5. Example¶
---- Loading regex engine
local rem = require("regexp/pcre")
--local http_methods = '^get$|^post$|^head$|^put$|^trace$|^delete$|^options$'
--local re = rem.re:compile(http_methods, rem.re.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
-- HTTP Policy
-- add custom user-agent
haka.rule {
hook = http.events.request,
eval = function (http, request)
request.headers["User-Agent"] = "Haka User-Agent"
-- report and alert if method is different than get and post
haka.rule {
hook = http.events.request,
eval = function (http, request)
local method = request.method
if not rem.re:match('^get$|^post$', method, rem.re.CASE_INSENSITIVE) then
description = string.format("forbidden http method '%s'", method),
sources = haka.alert.address(http.flow.srcip),
targets = {
haka.alert.service(string.format("tcp/%d", http.flow.dstport), "http")