14. Dissector¶
14.1. Utilities¶
- haka.dissector.new{...} → dissector¶
Parameters: - name (string) – Dissector name.
- type (Dissector) – Dissector type
Returns: - dissector (Class) – Created dissector. This object is a class that can be extended to implements the needed functions and properties.
Create a new dissector.
- haka.dissector.pcall(dissector, f)¶
Parameters: - dissector (Dissector) – Dissector to protect.
- f (function) – Function to call.
Protected call for a function inside a dissector context.
- haka.dissector.opposite_direction(dir) → other_dir¶
Parameters: - dir (string) – Direction 'up' or 'down'.
Returns: - other_dir (string) – Other direction.
Utility function to get the other direction.
14.2. Dissector types¶
- object Dissector¶
Dissector object.
- <Dissector>.state¶
Instance of the state machine. This field is only present if the dissector sub-class has a field named state_machine and another one named auto_state_machine which evaluate to true.
- Dissector:register_event(name, continue[, signal[, options]])¶
Parameters: - name (string) – Name of the event.
- continue (function) – Continuation function.
- signal (function) – Signaling function.
- options (table) – List of options.
Register a new event for the dissector.
- continue(self) → valid
Parameters: - self (Dissector) – Current dissecteur.
Returns: - valid (boolean) – Should the event trigger continue.
This function tests if the other listener on this events should be evaluated.
- signal(f, options, ...)
Parameters: - f (function) – Listener function.
- options (table) – List of options from the event.
- ... – Extra parameters that should be passed to the listener.
Signaling function used when a listener need to be called.
- <Dissector>.name¶
Type: string Name of the dissector.
- <Dissector>:trigger(event, ...)¶
Parameters: - event (string) – Event name to trigger.
- ... – Parameters to pass to the event.
Trigger an event.
- abstract <Dissector>:drop()¶
Drop the dissector instance. It can be a packet or an flow depending on the dissector type.
- abstract <Dissector>:error()¶
Called whenever an error is raised when inside the context of this dissector. The default implementation will do a <Dissector>.drop().
- <Dissector>:continue()¶
Function that abort if the dissector no longer requires processing.
- abstract <Dissector>:can_continue() → continue¶
Returns: - continue (boolean) – false is the dissector no longer requires processing.
Function that check if the dissector no longer requires processing.
- abstract <Dissector>:next_dissector()¶
Get the next dissector to use.
14.2.1. Packet¶
- dissector haka.helper.PacketDissector¶
Extends: Dissector Basic packet dissector.
- event PacketDissector.receive_packet(pkt)¶
Parameters: - pkt (PacketDissector) – Packet representation.
Event that is triggered whenever a new packet is received.
- event PacketDissector.send_packet(pkt)¶
Parameters: - pkt (PacketDissector) – Packet representation.
Event that is triggered just before sending the packet to the upper layer.
- PacketDissector.receive(prev)¶
Parameters: - prev (Dissector) – Previous dissector object.
Function called to dissect a packet from data comming from another dissector.
- abstract <PacketDissector>:send()¶
Send the packet.
- abstract <PacketDissector>:inject()¶
Inject the packet.
14.2.2. Encapsulated packet¶
- dissector haka.helper.EncapsulatedPacketDissector¶
Extends: PacketDissector Packet dissector that is build above another packet payload (ICMP over IP for instance).
- abstract <EncapsulatedPacketDissector>:parse_payload(pkt, payload)¶
Parameters: Parse the payload coming from the previous dissector packet.
- abstract <EncapsulatedPacketDissector>:create_payload(pkt, payload, init)¶
Parameters: Build a new payload.
14.2.3. Flow¶
- dissector haka.helper.FlowDissector¶
Extends: Dissector Dissector for a flow (multiple packets). An example is HTTP for instance.
- Dissector:register_streamed_event(name, continue[, options])¶
Parameters: - name (string) – Name of the event.
- continue (function) – Continuation function.
- signal (function) – Signaling function.
- options (table) – List of options.
Register a new event for the dissector. This event will support the streamed option (see FlowDissector.stream_wrapper()).
- FlowDissector.connections¶
Type: table Table of connections to instanciate when the dissector is created.
- <FlowDissector>:streamed(f, stream, current, ...)¶
Parameters: - f (function) – Function to execute.
- stream (vbuffer_stream) – Stream.
- current (vbuffer_iterator) – Current position in the stream.
- ... – Parameters that are given to f.
Execute a function in streamed mode. In this mode, Haka will use coroutine to execute it in a thread like environement. It allows the function to block waiting for available data on the stream.
This function is mainly used as the signal function for event based on stream.
- FlowDissector.stream_wrapper(f, options, self, stream, current, ...)¶
Parameters: - f (function) – Listener function.
- options (table) – List of options from the event.
- self (FlowDissector) – Current dissector
- stream (vbuffer_stream) – Stream.
- current (vbuffer_iterator) – Current position in the stream.
- ... – Parameters that are given to f.
HttpDissector:register_event('request_data', nil, haka.dissector.FlowDissector.stream_wrapper)
- <FlowDissector>:get_comanager(stream) → manager¶
Parameters: - stream (vbuffer_stream) – Stream used as the key.
Returns: - manager (vbuffer_stream_comanager) – Coroutine manager.
Retreived the stream coroutine manager for a given stream.
- <FlowDissector>:select_next_dissector(dissector)¶
Parameters: - dissector (FlowDissector) – Dissector to install.
Enable a dissector on the current flow.
14.3. Examples¶
For dissector examples, check the supported Haka dissectors.