2. Packet¶
- object packet¶
Object that represents a raw data packet. I.e a blob of binary data coming from the capture module. Nothing is known about its content.
- haka.packet(size = 0) → pkt¶
Parameters: - size (number) – Size of the new packet.
Returns: - pkt (packet) – New packet.
Create a new packet of the given size.
- <packet>:drop()¶
Drop the packet.
The packet will be unusable after calling this function.
- <packet>:send()¶
Send the packet on the network.
The packet will be unusable after calling this function.
- <packet>:inject()¶
Re-inject the packet. The packet will re-enter the Haka rules and dissector exactly like a new packet coming from the capture module.
- haka.state() → state¶
Returns: - state (string) – State of the packet: 'forged', 'normal' or 'sent'.
Get the state of the packet.
- haka.packet_mode() → mode¶
Returns: - mode (string) – Current packet mode ('normal' or 'passthrough').
Get the current packet mode for Haka. In passthrough mode, the packet cannot be modified nor dropped.