2. Packet

object packet

Object that represents a raw data packet. I.e a blob of binary data coming from the capture module. Nothing is known about its content.

haka.packet(size = 0) → pkt
  • size (number) – Size of the new packet.
  • pkt (packet) – New packet.

Create a new packet of the given size.

const <packet>.payload

Data inside the packet.


Drop the packet.


The packet will be unusable after calling this function.


Send the packet on the network.


The packet will be unusable after calling this function.


Re-inject the packet. The packet will re-enter the Haka rules and dissector exactly like a new packet coming from the capture module.

haka.state() → state
  • state (string) – State of the packet: 'forged', 'normal' or 'sent'.

Get the state of the packet.

haka.packet_mode() → mode
  • mode (string) – Current packet mode ('normal' or 'passthrough').

Get the current packet mode for Haka. In passthrough mode, the packet cannot be modified nor dropped.