3.1. Types¶
Basic types used all along Haka.
Boolean value true.
Boolean value false.
SWAP(type, x)
Byte swapping utility macro.
- Parameters
- type -
C type (int32, uint64...)
- x -
Value to swap.
SWAP_TO_LE(type, x)
Byte swapping utility macro. Swap from local machine endian to little endian.
- Parameters
- type -
C type (int32, uint64...)
- x -
Value to swap.
SWAP_FROM_LE(type, x)
Byte swapping utility macro. Swap from little endian to local machine endian.
- Parameters
- type -
C type (int32, uint64...)
- x -
Value to swap.
SWAP_TO_BE(type, x)
Byte swapping utility macro. Swap from local machine endian to big endian.
- Parameters
- type -
C type (int32, uint64...)
- x -
Value to swap.
SWAP_FROM_BE(type, x)
Byte swapping utility macro. Swap from big endian to local machine endian.
- Parameters
- type -
C type (int32, uint64...)
- x -
Value to swap.
GET_BIT(v, i)
Get the bit i from an integer v.
SET_BIT(v, i, x)
Set the bit i from an integer v to x.
GET_BITS(v, i, j)
Get the bits in range [i ; j] from an integer v.
SET_BITS(v, i, j, x)
Set the bits in range [i ; j] from an integer v to x.
typedef unsigned char bool
Boolean. Its value can be true or false.
typedef char int8
Signed 1 byte integer type.
typedef HAKA_16BIT_TYPE int16
Signed 2 byte integer type.
typedef HAKA_32BIT_TYPE int32
Signed 4 byte integer type.
typedef HAKA_64BIT_TYPE int64
Signed 8 byte integer type.
typedef unsigned char uint8
Unsigned 1 byte integer type.
typedef unsigned HAKA_16BIT_TYPE uint16
Unsigned 2 byte integer type.
typedef unsigned HAKA_32BIT_TYPE uint32
Unsigned 4 byte integer type.
typedef unsigned HAKA_64BIT_TYPE uint64
Unsigned 8 byte integer type.
3.2. Errors handling¶
Error handling functions.
Functionsvoid error(const char * error, ...)Set error to be reported to the callers. The function follows the printf API and can be used in multi-threaded application. The error can then be retrieved using clear_error() and check_error().
If lua is at the origin of this call, the error will be converted to a lua error.
void const char * errno_error(int err)Convert the err value to a human readable error message.
The returned string will be erased by the next call to this function. This function is thread-safe.
bool check_error(void)Check if an error has occurred. This function does not clear error flag.
const char * clear_error(void)Get the error message and clear the error state.